clear clear() method Removes all gradient stops from a collection. Returns void...clear clear() method Removes all gradient stops from a collection. Returns void
setAdditionalCommonFontFamilies setAdditionalCommonFontFamilies(java.lang.String[] value) method Returns or sets an a......setAdditionalCommonFontFamilies setAdditionalCommonFontFamilies(java.lang.String[] value) method Returns or sets an a...
getApplyImageTransparent getApplyImageTransparent() method Applies the specified transparent color to an image if tru......getApplyImageTransparent getApplyImageTransparent() method Applies the specified transparent color to an image if tru...
getImageTransparentColor getImageTransparentColor() method Gets or sets the image transparent color. Value: The color......getImageTransparentColor getImageTransparentColor() method Gets or sets the image transparent color. Value: The color...
getSlideById getSlideById(long id) method Returns a Slide, MasterSlide or LayoutSlide by Id. Parameters Name Type Des......getSlideById getSlideById(long id) method Returns a Slide, MasterSlide or LayoutSlide by Id. Parameters Name Type Des...
add add(float position, Color color) method Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection. Param......add add(float position, Color color) method Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection. Param...