TextAutofitType TextAutofitType class Represents text autofit mode. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined -1 No......TextAutofitType TextAutofitType class Represents text autofit mode. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined -1 No...
TextVerticalOverflowType TextVerticalOverflowType class Represents text vertical overflow type. Constants Name Value ......TextVerticalOverflowType TextVerticalOverflowType class Represents text vertical overflow type. Constants Name Value ...
AudioPlayModePreset AudioPlayModePreset class Constants which define how a sound is played. Constants Name Value Desc......AudioPlayModePreset AudioPlayModePreset class Constants which define how a sound is played. Constants Name Value Desc...
EffectTriggerType EffectTriggerType class Represent trigger type of effect. Constants Name Value Description AfterPre......EffectTriggerType EffectTriggerType class Represent trigger type of effect. Constants Name Value Description AfterPre...
LineDashStyle LineDashStyle class Represents the line dash style. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined -1 Soli......LineDashStyle LineDashStyle class Represents the line dash style. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined -1 Soli...
SketchFormat SketchFormat class Represents properties for lines sketch format. getSketchType Name Description getSket......SketchFormat SketchFormat class Represents properties for lines sketch format. getSketchType Name Description getSket...
PresentationText PresentationText class Represents the text extracted from the presentation getSlidesText Name Descri......PresentationText PresentationText class Represents the text extracted from the presentation getSlidesText Name Descri...
TextAnchorType TextAnchorType class text box alignment within a text area. Constants Name Value Description NotDefine......TextAnchorType TextAnchorType class text box alignment within a text area. Constants Name Value Description NotDefine...
ChartDataSourceType ChartDataSourceType class Represents a type of data source of the chart Constants Name Value Desc......ChartDataSourceType ChartDataSourceType class Represents a type of data source of the chart Constants Name Value Desc...
ColorDirection ColorDirection class Represents color direction for color effect behavior. Constants Name Value Descri......ColorDirection ColorDirection class Represents color direction for color effect behavior. Constants Name Value Descri...