getAllNodes getAllNodes() method Returns collections of all nodes in the SmartArt object. Read-only ISmartArtNodeColl......getAllNodes getAllNodes() method Returns collections of all nodes in the SmartArt object. Read-only ISmartArtNodeColl...
iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns...iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns
setShowNarration setShowNarration(boolean value) method Show Narration in Slide Show Returns void...setShowNarration setShowNarration(boolean value) method Show Narration in Slide Show Returns void
getSlideShowType getSlideShowType() method Gets or sets the slide show type. Represented by the following SlideShowTy......getSlideShowType getSlideShowType() method Gets or sets the slide show type. Represented by the following SlideShowTy...
getSoundIsBuiltIn getSoundIsBuiltIn() method Specifies whether or not this sound is a built-in sound. If this attribu......getSoundIsBuiltIn getSoundIsBuiltIn() method Specifies whether or not this sound is a built-in sound. If this attribu...
remove remove( MasterSlide value) method Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. Param......remove remove( MasterSlide value) method Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. Param...
iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns...iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns