size size() method Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Read-only int. Returns int...size size() method Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Read-only int. Returns int
iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns...iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns
getInput getInput() method Returns collection of input elements (templates) of the document. Read-only Input( #getInp......getInput getInput() method Returns collection of input elements (templates) of the document. Read-only Input( #getInp...
setDirection setDirection(int value) method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType. Returns......setDirection setDirection(int value) method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType. Returns...
getDirection getDirection() method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType. Returns int...getDirection getDirection() method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType. Returns int