shapes shapes( Presentation pres) method Collects all instances of Shape in the Presentation. Parameters Name Type De......shapes shapes( Presentation pres) method Collects all instances of Shape in the Presentation. Parameters Name Type De...
equals equals(Object obj) method Determines whether the specified AlphaCeiling is equal to the current AlphaCeiling. ......equals equals(Object obj) method Determines whether the specified AlphaCeiling is equal to the current AlphaCeiling. ...
hashCode hashCode() method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Returns int...hashCode hashCode() method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Returns int
getValue0 getValue0() method Defines first value of offset. Read/write float. Returns float...getValue0 getValue0() method Defines first value of offset. Read/write float. Returns float
setAngleValue setAngleValue(float value) method Returns or sets value, interpreting it as angle in degrees. Read/writ......setAngleValue setAngleValue(float value) method Returns or sets value, interpreting it as angle in degrees. Read/writ...