getInvertIfNegative getInvertIfNegative() method Specifies the data point shall invert its colors if the value is neg......getInvertIfNegative getInvertIfNegative() method Specifies the data point shall invert its colors if the value is neg...
getFloor getFloor() method Returns an object which allows to change format of the floor of a 3D chart. Read-only ICha......getFloor getFloor() method Returns an object which allows to change format of the floor of a 3D chart. Read-only ICha...
getRotation3D getRotation3D() method Returns a 3D rotation of a chart. Read-only IRotation3D. Returns Rotation3D...getRotation3D getRotation3D() method Returns a 3D rotation of a chart. Read-only IRotation3D. Returns Rotation3D
addAlphaFloorEffect addAlphaFloorEffect() method Adds the new Alpha Floor effect to the end of a collection. Returns ......addAlphaFloorEffect addAlphaFloorEffect() method Adds the new Alpha Floor effect to the end of a collection. Returns ...
getAutomaticDataPointColor getAutomaticDataPointColor() method Returns an automatic color of data point based on seri......getAutomaticDataPointColor getAutomaticDataPointColor() method Returns an automatic color of data point based on seri...
getSizeValue getSizeValue() method Returns the size value of chart data point. Used with Treemap and Sunburst charts.......getSizeValue getSizeValue() method Returns the size value of chart data point. Used with Treemap and Sunburst charts....
setBubble3D setBubble3D(boolean value) method Specifies that the bubbles have a 3-D effect applied to them. Read/writ......setBubble3D setBubble3D(boolean value) method Specifies that the bubbles have a 3-D effect applied to them. Read/writ...
getType getType() method Returns or sets the chart type. Read/write ChartType. Returns int...getType getType() method Returns or sets the chart type. Read/write ChartType. Returns int