isChartTypeArea isChartTypeArea(int chartType) method Return true if chartType is one of Area subtypes. Subtypes set ......isChartTypeArea isChartTypeArea(int chartType) method Return true if chartType is one of Area subtypes. Subtypes set ...
isChartTypeBubble isChartTypeBubble(int chartType) method Return true if chartType is one of Bubble subtypes. Subtype......isChartTypeBubble isChartTypeBubble(int chartType) method Return true if chartType is one of Bubble subtypes. Subtype...
isBar3DChart isBar3DChart(int chartType) method Return true if chartType is one of bar3DChart subtypes (3D columns or......isBar3DChart isBar3DChart(int chartType) method Return true if chartType is one of bar3DChart subtypes (3D columns or...
insert insert(int position, int operation, float parameter) method Inserts the new operation to a collection. Paramet......insert insert(int position, int operation, float parameter) method Inserts the new operation to a collection. Paramet...
iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns...iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns