removeAt removeAt(int index) method Removes a cell from the collection by index. Parameters Name Type Description ind......removeAt removeAt(int index) method Removes a cell from the collection by index. Parameters Name Type Description ind...
getStream getStream() method Returns Stream stream for reading. Use ‘using’ or close stream after using. Returns Inpu......getStream getStream() method Returns Stream stream for reading. Use ‘using’ or close stream after using. Returns Inpu...
setLocale setLocale(Locale locale) method Sets default Locale for current thread. Parameters Name Type Description lo......setLocale setLocale(Locale locale) method Sets default Locale for current thread. Parameters Name Type Description lo...
getScale getScale() method Specifies the view scaling ratio in percentages. Read/write int. Returns int Exception Exc......getScale getScale() method Specifies the view scaling ratio in percentages. Read/write int. Returns int Exception Exc...
setVariableScale setVariableScale(boolean value) method Specifies that the view content should automatically scale to......setVariableScale setVariableScale(boolean value) method Specifies that the view content should automatically scale to...
setValue1 setValue1(float value) method Defines second value of offset. Read/write float. Returns void...setValue1 setValue1(float value) method Defines second value of offset. Read/write float. Returns void
hashCode hashCode() method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Returns int...hashCode hashCode() method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Returns int
getLineFormat getLineFormat() method Returns the LineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for a sha......getLineFormat getLineFormat() method Returns the LineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for a sha...