setFrom setFrom(float value) method Describes the starting value for the animation. Read/write float. Returns void...setFrom setFrom(float value) method Describes the starting value for the animation. Read/write float. Returns void
setTo setTo(float value) method Describes the ending value for the animation. Read/write float. Returns void...setTo setTo(float value) method Describes the ending value for the animation. Read/write float. Returns void
setDirection setDirection(int value) method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionCornerAndCenterDirectionTyp......setDirection setDirection(int value) method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionCornerAndCenterDirectionTyp...
getTo getTo() method Describes the ending value for the animation. Read/write float. Returns float...getTo getTo() method Describes the ending value for the animation. Read/write float. Returns float
getRowFormat getRowFormat() method Returns the RowFormat object that contains formatting properties for this row. Rea......getRowFormat getRowFormat() method Returns the RowFormat object that contains formatting properties for this row. Rea...
setRootDirectoryClsid setRootDirectoryClsid(UUID value) method Represents the object class GUID (CLSID) that is store......setRootDirectoryClsid setRootDirectoryClsid(UUID value) method Represents the object class GUID (CLSID) that is store...
getEmbeddedFileExtension getEmbeddedFileExtension() method Returns the file extension for the current embedded OLE ob......getEmbeddedFileExtension getEmbeddedFileExtension() method Returns the file extension for the current embedded OLE ob...
getSlidesText getSlidesText() method An array of ISlideText contains a presentation’s text. Returns SlideText...getSlidesText getSlidesText() method An array of ISlideText contains a presentation’s text. Returns SlideText
getSourceFont getSourceFont() method Font to substitute. Read-only IFontData. Returns FontData...getSourceFont getSourceFont() method Font to substitute. Read-only IFontData. Returns FontData