Less-equal-greater-compares two strings using ordinal mode....String&, const String&) method Less-equal-greater-compares two strings...value if first substring is less then second, zero if they match...
Public Member Functions | List of all members System::Collections::Generic::Details::ComparerType< SharedPtr< T > > S......> > Compares elements using 'less' semantics. Template Parameters...Returns True if a is considered less than b , false otherwise. ◆...
Determines if the value represented by the current object is Less than or equal to the value represented by the specified object....represented by the current object is less than or equal to the value represented...represented by the current object is less than or equal to the value represented...
Developer's manual to the Aspose.CAD for Java library. Know all classes, methods & interfaces for quick integration of the CAD library with your own apps....() Lines with width in pixels less than this will be rescaled float...getMinimumRelativeLi () Lines with width less than image's size\minimumRelativeLinew...
Determines where axis will cross....the maximum (if the maximum is less than zero). Maximum The axis...the maximum (if the maximum is less than zero). Maximum public static...
Determines where axis will cross....the maximum (if the maximum is less than zero). Maximum The axis...the maximum (if the maximum is less than zero). Maximum public static...
PieSplitType Contents [ Hide ] PieSplitType class Represents a type of splitting points in the second pie or bar on a......putting the points with percentage less than Split Position percent...putting the data points with value less than Split Position in the second...
Specifies the manner in which a path should be filled...LightenLess Lighten Path Fill Less This specifies that the corresponding...DarkenLess Darken Path Fill Less This specifies that the corresponding...
Public Member Functions | List of all members System::Collections::Generic::Details::ComparerType< SharedPtr< T > > S......Reference Compares elements using 'less' semantics. More... #include...> > Compares elements using 'less' semantics. Template Parameters...
Always returns false....represented by the current object is less than the specified value by...represented by the current object is less than the specified value, otherwise...