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  1. PieSplitType | Aspose.Slides for Java API Refer...

    Represents a type of splitting points in the second pie or bar on a pie-of-pie or bar-of-pie chart....putting the points with percentage less than Split Position percent...putting the data points with value less than Split Position in the second...
  2. Not able to access gmail - Aspose.Email Product...

    last time when i used your api, i need to enable Less secure apps and imap and then i can access my gmail account, but now google stop Less secure option. now how to access gmail using aspose api...used your api, i need to enable less secure apps and imap and then...account, but now google stop less secure option. now how to access...
  3. CompareTo | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Compares two DocumentPrivilegeaspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege objects. The object to compare with. A signed integer that indicates the relative values of this instance and value. Less than zero this instance is Less than value. Zero this instance is equal to value. Greater than zero this instance is greater than value.... Less than zero this instance is less than value....
  4. IntComparisonField | Aspose.Email for .NET API ...

    IntComparisonField Contents [ Hide ] IntComparisonField class Represents the integer search field. public sealed clas...... Less (int) Indicates that field must be less than the...Indicates that field must be less or equal to the specified value...
  5. op_LessThanOrEqual | Aspose.Tasks for .NET API ...

    op_LessThanOrEqual Baseline LessThanOrEqual operator Returns a value indicating whether this instance is Less than or......indicating whether this instance is less than or equal to a specified...indicating whether this instance is less than or equal to a specified...
  6. operator<() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API Reference

    Determines if the value represented by the current object is Less than the value represented by the specified object....represented by the current object is less than the value represented by...represented by the current object is less than the value represented by...
  7. Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::LongComparisonFie...

    Public Member Functions | Friends | List of all members Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::LongComparisonField Class Refer......MailQuery > Less (int64_t value) Indicates that field must be less than...Indicates that field must be less or equal to the specified value...
  8. Font | Aspose.PSD for .NET API Reference

    Font Contents [ Hide ] Font constructor (1 of 6) Initializes a new Font that uses the specified existing Font and Fon......ArgumentOutOfRangeEx emSize is less than or equal to 0, evaluates...ArgumentOutOfRangeEx emSize is less than or equal to 0, evaluates...
  9. PathFillModeType | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API R...

    Specifies the manner in which a path should be filled...LightenLess 3 Lighten Path Fill Less This specifies that the corresponding...DarkenLess 5 Darken Path Fill Less This specifies that the corresponding...
  10. operator()() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API Reference

    Compares value types implementing IComparable interface....Value True if a is considered less than b , false otherwise. C...Value True if a is considered less than b , false otherwise. C...