Hi When Itried to save the attached PDF to XPS format I am getting the following exception:{"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and Less than the size of the collection.\r\nParameter name: index"}
Document doc…... Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection...range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection...
This is the screenshot of generated document.
Screenshot_1.jpg (3…...want to insert table cell with less spacing or padding? is any table...
This error is given when imaging the attached .pdf into a .tif. Is this an issue with Aspose itself?ImagingIndexError.pdf (315.3 KB)... Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection...ge-must-be-non-negative-and-less-than-the-size-of-the-collec...
ShapeElementFillSource ShapeElementFillSource class Represents how shape element should be filled. Constants Name Val...... LightenLess 3 Use less lighten shape’s fill. Darken...shape’s fill. DarkenLess 5 Use less darken shape’s fill. NoFill...
Represents how shape element should be filled.... LightenLess Use less lighten shape’s fill. Darken...shape’s fill. DarkenLess Use less darken shape’s fill. NoFill...
Less-equal-greater-compares two substrings....String&, int, int, bool) method Less-equal-greater-compares two substrings...value if first substring is less then second, zero if they match...
ShapeElementFillSource ShapeElementFillSource class Represents how shape element should be filled. Constants Name Val...... LightenLess 3 Use less lighten shape’s fill. Darken...shape’s fill. DarkenLess 5 Use less darken shape’s fill. NoFill...
ApproximateFraction Contents [ Hide ] TiffSRational.ApproximateFraction method (1 of 4) Approximates the provided val......rational number having error less than epsilon . See Also class...rational number having error less than Epsilon . See Also class...
Returns a nonnegative random number Less then int32 max value....a nonnegative random number less then int32 max value. virtual...a nonnegative random number less than the specified maximum....
CompareFunction CompareFunction enumeration The compare function used in depth/stencil testing. public enum CompareFu......Never passes Less 1 Pass if the incoming value is less than the stored...Pass if the incoming value is less than or equal to the stored...