Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....exif com.aspose.imaging.exif.enums com.aspose...aspose.imaging.exif The package contains EXIF related helper...
ExifGainControl ExifGainControl enumeration Exif gain control enum. public enum ExifGainControl Values Name Value Des......ExifGainControl enumeration exif gain control enum. public enum...See Also namespace Aspose.PSD.Exif.Enums assembly Aspose.PSD ExifGPSAltitudeRef...
ExifColorSpace ExifColorSpace enumeration Exif color space enum. public enum ExifColorSpace Values Name Value Descrip......ExifColorSpace ExifColorSpace enumeration exif color space enum. public enum...Also namespace Aspose.Imaging.Exif.Enums assembly Aspose.Imaging...
ExifColorSpace ExifColorSpace enumeration Exif color space enum. public enum ExifColorSpace Values Name Value Descrip......ExifColorSpace ExifColorSpace enumeration exif color space enum. public enum...See Also namespace Aspose.PSD.Exif.Enums assembly Aspose.PSD ExifContrast...
ImageFormat Contents [ Hide ] ImageFormat class Specifies the file format of the image. Not inheritable. public seale......static Exif { get; } Gets the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) format...