ExifData JpegOptions.ExifData property Get or set Exif data container public JpegExifData ExifData { get ; set ; } Se......ExifData property Get or set exif data container public JpegExifData...
Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop....exif com.aspose.psd.exif.enums com.aspose.psd...com.aspose.psd.exif The package contains EXIF related helper...
ExifWhiteBalance ExifWhiteBalance enumeration Exif white balance enum. public enum ExifWhiteBalance Values Name Value......ExifWhiteBalance enumeration exif white balance enum. public enum...See Also namespace Aspose.PSD.Exif.Enums assembly Aspose.PSD ExifUnit...
ExifContrast ExifContrast enumeration Exif normal soft hard enum. public enum ExifContrast Values Name Value Descript......ExifContrast ExifContrast enumeration exif normal soft hard enum. public...Also namespace Aspose.Imaging.Exif.Enums assembly Aspose.Imaging...
ExifContrast ExifContrast enumeration Exif normal soft hard enum. public enum ExifContrast Values Name Value Descript......ExifContrast ExifContrast enumeration exif normal soft hard enum. public...See Also namespace Aspose.PSD.Exif.Enums assembly Aspose.PSD ExifColorSpace...