Source Reporter property. Gets or sets the reporter of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source RefOrder property. Gets or sets the reference order of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source StandardNumber property. Gets or sets the standard number of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source SourceType property. Gets or sets the source type of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Person Last property. Gets or sets the last name of a person in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source Comments property. Gets or sets the comments of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source ProductionCompany property. Gets or sets the production company of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ContributorCollection Inventor property. Gets or sets the inventor of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ContributorCollection Translator property. Gets or sets the translator of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source Month property. Gets or sets the month of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....