Source PeriodicalTitle property. Gets or sets the periodical title of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source RecordingNumber property. Gets or sets the recording number of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source ShortTitle property. Gets or sets the short title of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source Year property. Gets or sets the year of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source Court property. Gets or sets the court of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Person Last property. Gets or sets the last name of a person in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Person First property. Gets or sets the first name of a person in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source AbbreviatedCaseNumber property. Gets or sets the abbreviated case number of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ContributorCollection Counsel property. Gets or sets the counsel of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source Comments property. Gets or sets the comments of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....