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  1. Aspose.Words for C++

    This API allows to Create, edit, render, print, and Convert Word doCuments in C++ without utilizing MiCrosoft Word or interop....Words for C++ Najnoviji odgovori Ինչպես փոխարկել...օգտագործելով C++ Ինչպես գտնել և փոխարինել տեքստը Word փաստաթղթում C++-ում...
  2. What's new from C++|Aspose.PDF for C++

    In this page introduCes the most popular new features in Aspose.PDF for C++ that have been introduCed in reCent releases....What's new from C++ Contents [ Hide ] What’s new in Aspose.PDF...path name String _dataDir ( "C: \\ Samples \\ Conversion \\ "...
  3. Compare HTML In C++

    Compare HTML doCuments using C++ to diff two files. With our C++ API you Can deteCt the differenCe even if one CharaCter or one word has been Changed....Compare HTML files in C++ Powerful C++ library to compare HTML...differences Compare two HTML files in C++ using our difference checker...
  4. Markdown Lists – C# Code

    Creating Markdown Lists in C#. Use the C# library to Create ordered and unordered Markdown lists....MHTML HTML Markdown Lists in C# Use the C# library to create ordered...How to Create Markdown Lists in C# library is a stand-alone solution...
  5. View PPTX in C++ |

    View PPTX in C++. Use C++ library API to open and view PowerPoint presentation...Slides C++ Viewer Pptx View PPTX in C++ Powerful cross-platform...cross-platform C++ API for opening and viewing PPTX using C++ code Download...
  6. View PPTM in C++ |

    View PPTM in C++. Use C++ library API to open and view MaCro-enabled PowerPoint Template...Slides C++ Viewer Pptm View PPTM in C++ Powerful cross-platform...cross-platform C++ API for opening and viewing PPTM using C++ code Download...
  7. View PPSM in C++ |

    View PPSM in C++. Use C++ library API to open and view MaCro-enabled PowerPoint Template...Slides C++ Viewer Ppsm View PPSM in C++ Powerful cross-platform...cross-platform C++ API for opening and viewing PPSM using C++ code Download...
  8. Rotate PDF using C++ | Aspose.PDF

    Rotate PDF doCuments programmatiCally with C++ sample Code using Aspose.PDF for C++...Rotate PDF Pages with C++ Do you need to rotate PDF? Programmatic...modern digital workflows. With C++ libraries like Aspose.PDF –...
  9. Aspose.PDF for C++ 23.3 Release Notes|Aspose.PD...

    This artiCle deCsribes Changes and updates in version 23.3 of Aspose.PDF for C++ library...PDF for C++ 23.3 Release Notes Contents [ Hide ] This...information for Aspose.PDF for C++ 23.3. Changes and Improvements...
  10. Installation | Aspose.PUB for C++

    Download and install Aspose.PUB API solution for C++ through NuGet either by manually downloading the zip arChive or using Nuget PaCkage Manager....Pub C++ Getting Started Installation of Aspose.PUB for C++ Live...for C++ Contents [ Hide Show ] Installing Aspose.PUB for C++ Manual...