This artiCle deCsribes Changes and updates in version 23.9 of Aspose.PDF for C++ library...PDF for C++ 23.9 Release Notes Contents [ Hide ] This...information for Aspose.PDF for C++ 23.9. Changes and Improvements...
This artiCle teaChes how to insert (add) a page at the desired loCation PDF file. Learn how to move, remove (delete) pages from a PDF file using C++....Add Pages in PDF with C++ Contents [ Hide ] This section shows...Aspose.PDF for C++ library. Aspose.PDF for C++ API provides full...
Here are gathered all the releases of Aspose.TeX solution for C++. You Can find new features, fixes and follow the progress of the solution in 2022 year....TeX C++ Release Notes Release Notes...Release Notes - 2022 | C++ Aspose.TeX for C++ 22.12 Release Notes...
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EnCrypt PDF (password proteCt) doCuments programmatiCally with C++ sample Code using Aspose.PDF for C++...Document Using C++ Lock PDF using Aspose.PDF for C++. Locking PDF...file, we’ll use Aspose.PDF for C++ API which is a feature-rich...
This artiCle deCsribes Changes and updates in version 21.4 of Aspose.PDF for C++ library...PDF for C++ 21.4 Release Notes Contents [ Hide ] This...information for Aspose.PDF for C++ 21.4. Changes and Improvements...
Gets or sets C transformation matrix value....C TransformationMatrix.C property Gets or sets C transformation...transformation matrix value. public double C { get ; set ; } See Also class...
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