FilterType Filter.FilterType property Gets the type of the filter. public ItemType FilterType { get ; } See Also enum......Filter namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Criteria Index...
Name VbaReference.Name property Gets or sets name of VBA reference. public string Name { get ; set ; } See Also class......VbaReference namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks LibIdentifier...
NonWorkingTimeColor GanttChartView.NonWorkingTimeColor property Gets or sets non-working time color. public Color Non......GanttChartView namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks MiddleTimescaleTier...
ParentCalendar CalendarException.ParentCalendar property Gets the parent calendar for this object. public Calendar Pa......CalendarException namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Occurrences Period...
Count AssignmentBaselineCollection.Count property Gets the number of objects contained in this AssignmentBaselineColl......AssignmentBaselineCo namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Item English...
ParentProject CalendarCollection.ParentProject property Gets a parent Project of this object. public Project ParentPr......CalendarCollection namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Count Add English...
Description Value.Description property Gets or sets the description of a value. public string Description { get ; set......Value namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks DateTimeValue...