YearlyDate RecurringTaskInfo.YearlyDate property Gets or sets a date for the yearly recurrence pattern. public DateTi......RecurringTaskInfo namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks WeeklyRepetitions...
ToDate WeekDay.ToDate property Gets or sets the end of an exception time. public DateTime ToDate { get ; set ; } See ......WeekDay namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks FromDate WorkingTimes...
FullPath OleObject.FullPath property Gets or sets the full path of the inserted object. public string FullPath { get ......OleObject namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks FileFormat Id...
TaskName RecurringTaskParameters.TaskName property Gets or sets the name of the recurring task. public string TaskNam......RecurringTaskParamet namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks RecurrencePattern...
LastSavedDate ProjectInfo.LastSavedDate property Gets the most recent date when the project was saved. public DateTim......ProjectInfo namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks LastPublishedDate...
Field GroupCriterion.Field property Gets or sets the field being grouped by. public Field Field { get ; set ; } See A......GroupCriterion namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks CellColor Font...
MonthLabel ProjectDisplayOptions.MonthLabel property Gets or sets how the month label displays. public MonthLabelDisp......ProjectDisplayOption namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks MinuteLabel ...