EstimatedDuration TaskBaseline.EstimatedDuration property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the baseline durati......TaskBaseline namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks DurationFormat...
Duration TaskBaseline.Duration property Gets or sets the scheduled duration of the task when the baseline was saved. ......TaskBaseline namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks TaskBaseline...
Start TaskBaseline.Start property Gets or sets the scheduled start date of the task when the baseline was saved. publ......TaskBaseline namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Interim TimephasedData...
WorkWeeks Calendar.WorkWeeks property Gets WorkWeekCollections object. The collection of work weeks that is associate......Calendar namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks WeekDays Delete...
ToList OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection.ToList method Converts this OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection object to a list o......OutlineCodeDefinitio namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks RemoveAt English...
Guid ExtendedAttributeDefinition.Guid property Gets or sets the Guid of a custom field. public string Guid { get ; se......ExtendedAttributeDef namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Formula LookupUid...
ToList ResourceAssignmentCollection.ToList method Converts the ResourceAssignmentCollection object to a list of Resou......ResourceAssignmentCo namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks RemoveAt English...