ResourceSavingArgs ResourceSavingArgs constructor The default constructor. public ResourceSavingArgs () See Also clas......ResourceSavingArgs namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks FileName English...
Name VbaModule.Name property public string Name { get ; } See Also class VbaModule namespace Aspose.tasks assembly As......VbaModule namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Attributes SourceCode...
ICssSavingCallback ICssSavingCallback interface Represents a callback that is called to create resource to store CSS.......Also namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks HtmlImageType...
GetHashCode GroupCriterion.GetHashCode method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int Ge......GroupCriterion namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Equals English...
MonthDay CalendarException.MonthDay property Gets or sets the day of a month on which an exception recurrence is sche......CalendarException namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Month MonthItem...
AutoRollDown ExtendedAttributeDefinition.AutoRollDown property Gets or sets a value indicating whether an automatic r......ExtendedAttributeDef namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks AppendNewValues...
Formula ExtendedAttributeDefinition.Formula property Gets or sets the formula that Microsoft Project uses to populate......ExtendedAttributeDef namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks FieldName Guid...
CancellationToken LoadOptions.CancellationToken property Gets or sets a token which can be used to cancel a project l......LoadOptions namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks LoadOptions ErrorHandler...
View OleObject.View property Gets or sets the instance of the View class the inserted object belongs to. public View ......OleObject namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks TemporaryFile...