Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Boolean value using the specified culture-specific formatting information....Namespace System Library Aspose.Slides GetTypeCode() ToChar()...
Searches for the specified ChartCategory and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire Collection....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides Add() Remove()...
Indicates whether the specified point is contained within (under) the outline of this GraphicsPath when drawn with the specified Pen. NOT EMPLEMENTED....System::Drawing::Drawing2D Library Aspose.Slides IsVisible() Clone()...
Adds a copy of a specified master slide to the end of the collection. Linked layout slides will be copied too....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides RemoveUnused() InsertClone()...
Determines whether the specified AlphaReplace is equal to the current AlphaReplace....Aspose::Slides::Effects Library Aspose.Slides GetEffective() GetHashCode()...
Determines whether the specified Duotone is equal to the current Duotone....Aspose::Slides::Effects Library Aspose.Slides GetEffective() GetHashCode()...
Waits until the specified asynchronous request for the resource completes....Namespace System::Net Library Aspose.Slides BeginGetResponse() BeginGetRequestStrea()...
Determines whether the specified Reflection is equal to the current Reflection....Aspose::Slides::Effects Library Aspose.Slides GetEffective() GetHashCode()...