Returns a shared pointer to DirectoryInfo object representing the parent directory of the specified entity....Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides GetDirectoryRoot() Move()...
When overridden in a derived class, writes out all the attributes found at the current position in the XmlReader....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides WriteValue() WriteNode()...
Returns a value indicating whether the supplied prefix has a namespace defined for the current pushed scope....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides LookupPrefix() Ptr...
Converts the specified File time to an instance of DateTime class representing the same date and time value as UTC time....Namespace System Library Aspose.Slides FromBinary() FromOADate()...
Returns a value indicating whether or not the string argument is a valid XML name token....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides IsName() Create()...