Sets the font height of a portion. std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() means height is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Write float....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_FontHeight() get_LatinFont()...
Returns shape target for INTERACTIVE sequence. If sequence is not interactive then returns null. Read IShape....Aspose::Slides::Animation Library Aspose.Slides get_Count() set_TriggerShape()...
Sets the depth of a 3D chart as a percentage of a chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent). Write uint16_t....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides get_DepthPercents() get_HeightPercents()...
Returns data label for the data point of this series at the specified index....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides get_ParentSeries() get_TrendLine()...
True to exclude width and height attributes from SVG container - that will make layout responsive. False - otherwise. Write bool....Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides get_SvgResponsiveLayout()...