Returns a copy of a Matrix object that specifies the geometrical transformations for the brush represneted by the current object....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides set_WrapMode() set_Transform()...
Gets a value that indicates if the client follows server redirects....System::Web::Services::Protocols Library Aspose.Slides set_AllowAutoRedirect()...
Returns a value indicating whether this reader can parse and resolve entities....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides get_NameTable() get_CanReadBinaryContent()...
Gets a flag indicating whether the CultureInfo uses user-selected culture settings....System::Globalization Library Aspose.Slides get_TwoLetterISOLanguage()...
Gets a value that indicates if the socket receives outgoing multicast packets....System::Net::Sockets Library Aspose.Slides set_DontFragment() set_MulticastLoopback()...
Gets a value indicating whether an asynchronous operation has been canceled. true if the background operation has been canceled; otherwise false. The default is false....System::ComponentModel Library Aspose.Slides get_Error() get_UserState()...