Equals Color.Equals method Tests whether the specified object is a Color structure and is equivalent to this Color st......Color namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD R GetBrightness...
PdfComplianceVersion PdfComplianceVersion enumeration Specifies the PDF compliance level to output file. public enum ......Also namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD OpenTypeFontsCache...
Grayscale PixelDataFormat.Grayscale property Gets the PixelDataFormat defined for 8 bits per pixel with 8 bits repres......PixelDataFormat namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Cmyka GrayscaleAlpha...
GetColor IColorPalette.GetColor method Gets the palette color by index. public Color GetColor ( int index ) Parameter......IColorPalette namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD GetArgb32Color...
LoadOptions LoadOptions constructor The default constructor. public LoadOptions () See Also class LoadOptions namespa......LoadOptions namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD BufferSizeHint...
DisposableObject DisposableObject constructor The default constructor. public DisposableObject () See Also class Disp......DisposableObject namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Disposed English...
ImageResizeSettings ImageResizeSettings constructor The default constructor. public ImageResizeSettings () See Also c......ImageResizeSettings namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD ColorCompareMethod...
LineSize RawDataSettings.LineSize property Gets or sets the pixels line size in bytes for raw data processing public ......RawDataSettings namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD IndexedColorConverte...