Moccasin Color.Moccasin property Gets a system-defined color. public static Color Moccasin { get ; } Property Value A......Color namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD MistyRose NavajoWhite...
Orchid Color.Orchid property Gets a system-defined color. public static Color Orchid { get ; } Property Value A Color......Color namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD OrangeRed PaleGoldenrod...
Matrix44 ColorMatrix.Matrix44 property Gets or sets the element at the fourth row and fourth column of this ColorMatr......ColorMatrix namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Matrix43 GetMatrix...
Matrix41 ColorMatrix.Matrix41 property Gets or sets the element at the fourth row and first column of this ColorMatri......ColorMatrix namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Matrix40 Matrix42...
Matrix14 ColorMatrix.Matrix14 property Gets or sets the element at the first row and fourth column of this ColorMatri......ColorMatrix namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Matrix13 Matrix20...