InterpolationMode InterpolationMode enumeration The InterpolationMode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is use......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing HatchStyle LineCap...
ImageFlags ImageFlags enumeration Specifies the attributes of the pixel data contained in an Image object. The Flags ......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing ImageCodecInfo ImageFormat...
MetafileFrameUnit MetafileFrameUnit enumeration Specifies the unit of measurement for the rectangle used to size and ......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Metafile MetafileHeader...
CustomLineCap Contents [ Hide ] CustomLineCap class Encapsulates a custom user-defined line cap. public class CustomL......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing CoordinateSpace DashCap...
SystemFonts Contents [ Hide ] SystemFonts class Specifies the fonts used to display text in Windows display elements.......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SystemColors SystemIcons...