BitmapData Contents [ Hide ] BitmapData class Specifies the attributes of a bitmap image. The BitmapData class is use......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing ColorAdjustType...
Equals Region.Equals method Tests whether the specified Region is identical to this Region on the specified drawing s......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Dispose Exclude...
op_Subtraction Size Subtraction operator Subtracts the width and height of one Size structure from the width and heig......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing op_Multiply...
DashStyle DashStyle enumeration Specifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a Pen object. public enum DashStyle Va......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing DashCap FillMode...
ColorMap ColorMap class Defines a map for converting colors. Several methods of the ImageAttributes class adjust imag......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing ColorChannelFlag ColorMatrix...
PropertyItem PropertyItem class Encapsulates a metadata property to be included in an image file. Not inheritable. pu......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing PlayRecordCallback WmfPlaceableFileHead...
IsOutlineVisible GraphicsPath.IsOutlineVisible method Indicates whether the specified point is contained within (unde......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing GetLastPoint IsVisible...
LockBits Bitmap.LockBits method Locks a Bitmap into system memory. public BitmapData LockBits ( Rectangle rect , Imag......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GetPropertyItem MakeTransparent...
ColorAdjustType ColorAdjustType enumeration Specifies which GDI+ objects use color adjustment information. public enu......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing BitmapData ColorChannelFlag...