GetHashCode Rectangle.GetHashCode method Returns the hash code for this Rectangle structure. For information about th......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Equals IntersectsWith...
LineJoin Pen.LineJoin property Gets or sets the join style for the ends of two consecutive lines drawn with this Pen.......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing EndCap MiterLimit...
IsWmf MetafileHeader.IsWmf method Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is in the Windows me......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing IsEmfPlusOnly IsWmfPlaceable...
RegionData RegionData class Encapsulates the data that makes up a Region object. This class cannot be inherited. publ......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing PixelOffsetMode SmoothingMode...
GdiVerticalFont Font.GdiVerticalFont property Gets a value indicating whether this Font is derived from a GDI vertica......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GdiCharSet Height...
Transform Graphics.Transform property Gets or sets a copy of the geometric world transformation for this Graphics. pu......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing TextRenderingHint VisibleClipBounds...
GetPropertyItem Image.GetPropertyItem method Gets the specified property item from this Image. public abstract Proper......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GetFrameCount GetThumbnailImage...
GetPropertyItem Bitmap.GetPropertyItem method Gets the specified property item from this Image. public override Prope......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GetPixel LockBits...