Color Pen.Color property Gets or sets the color of this Pen. public Color Color { get ; set ; } Property Value A Colo......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Brush CompoundArray...
RemovePropertyItem Bitmap.RemovePropertyItem method Removes the specified property item from this Image. public overr......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ReadArgb32Pixels RotateFlip...
IsDisplay MetafileHeader.IsDisplay method Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is device de......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing WmfHeader IsEmf...
Handle Icon.Handle property Gets the handle for this Icon. This is not a copy of the handle; do not free it. public I......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing FromHandle Height...
FromLTRB RectangleF.FromLTRB method Creates a RectangleF structure with upper-left corner and lower-right corner at t......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Empty Inflate...