op_Inequality Point Inequality operator Compares two Point objects. The result specifies whether the values of the X ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing op_Implicit op_Subtraction...
InactiveCaptionText SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText property Gets a Color structure that is the color of the text in......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing InactiveCaption Info...
InactiveCaption SystemColors.InactiveCaption property Gets a Color structure that is the color of the background of a......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing InactiveBorder InactiveCaptionText...
Length CharacterRange.Length property Gets or sets the number of positions in this CharacterRange. public int Length ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing First Equals...
OriginalFontName Font.OriginalFontName property Gets the name of the font originally specified. public string Origina......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Name Size...
Transform PathGradientBrush.Transform property Gets or sets a copy of the Matrix that defines a local geometric trans......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing SurroundColors WrapMode...