GetAdjustedPalette ImageAttributes.GetAdjustedPalette method Adjusts the colors in a palette according to the adjustm......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Dispose SetBrushRemapTable...
LuminanceTable Encoder.LuminanceTable field Represents an Encoder object that is initialized with the globally unique......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Compression Quality...
CoordinateSpace CoordinateSpace enumeration Specifies the system to use when evaluating coordinates. public enum Coor......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing CompositingQuality CustomLineCap...
NextPathType GraphicsPathIterator.NextPathType method public int NextPathType ( out byte pathType , out int startInde......GraphicsPathIterator 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing.Drawing2D 部件 Aspose.Drawing NextMarker...
op_Subtraction SizeF Subtraction operator Subtracts the width and height of one SizeF structure from the width and he......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing op_Multiply...
op_Equality Rectangle Equality operator Tests whether two Rectangle structures have equal location and size. public s......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ToString op_Inequality...