Salmon Pens.Salmon property Gets the salmon Pen. public static Pen Salmon { get ; } Property Value The salmon Pen. Se......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SaddleBrown SandyBrown...
Coral Pens.Coral property Gets the coral Pen. public static Pen Coral { get ; } Property Value The coral Pen. See Als......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Chocolate CornflowerBlue...
Tan Pens.Tan property Gets the tan Pen. public static Pen Tan { get ; } Property Value The tan Pen. See Also class Pe......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SteelBlue Teal...
Silver Pens.Silver property Gets the silver Pen. public static Pen Silver { get ; } Property Value The silver Pen. Se......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Sienna SkyBlue...
DpiX MetafileHeader.DpiX property Gets the horizontal resolution, in dots per inch, of the associated Metafile . publ......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Bounds DpiY...