Left RectangleF.Left property Gets the x-coordinate of the left edge of this RectangleF structure. public float Left ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing IsEmpty Location...
Chocolate Pens.Chocolate property Gets the chocolate Pen. public static Pen Chocolate { get ; } Property Value The ch......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Chartreuse Coral...
Gainsboro Pens.Gainsboro property Gets the gainsboro Pen. public static Pen Gainsboro { get ; } Property Value The ga......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Fuchsia GhostWhite...
Beige Pens.Beige property Gets the beige Pen. public static Pen Beige { get ; } Property Value The beige Pen. See Als......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Azure Bisque...
Cornsilk Pens.Cornsilk property Gets the cornsilk Pen. public static Pen Cornsilk { get ; } Property Value The cornsi......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing CornflowerBlue Crimson...
Aqua Pens.Aqua property Gets the aqua Pen. public static Pen Aqua { get ; } Property Value The aqua Pen. See Also cla......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing AntiqueWhite Aquamarine...
Orchid Pens.Orchid property Gets the orchid Pen. public static Pen Orchid { get ; } Property Value The orchid Pen. Se......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing OrangeRed PaleGoldenrod...
Goldenrod Pens.Goldenrod property Gets the goldenrod Pen. public static Pen Goldenrod { get ; } Property Value The go......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Gold Gray...
Azure Pens.Azure property Gets the azure Pen. public static Pen Azure { get ; } Property Value The azure Pen. See Als......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Aquamarine Beige...
Green Pens.Green property Gets the green Pen. public static Pen Green { get ; } Property Value The green Pen. See Als......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Gray GreenYellow...