GetTabStops StringFormat.GetTabStops method Gets the tab stops for this StringFormat object. public float [] GetTabSt......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Dispose SetDigitSubstitution...
BboxTop WmfPlaceableFileHeader.BboxTop property Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the boundin......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing BboxRight Checksum...
DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped method Draws the specified image without scaling and......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DrawImageUnscaled DrawLine...
FromHtml ColorTranslator.FromHtml method Translates an HTML color representation to a GDI+ Color structure. public st......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ColorTranslator FromOle...
PenType PenType enumeration Specifies the type of fill a Pen object uses to fill lines. public enum PenType Values Na......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing PenAlignment PixelOffsetMode...
GetStrokeCaps CustomLineCap.GetStrokeCaps method Gets the caps used to start and end lines that make up this custom c......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing Dispose SetStrokeCaps...
FillEllipse Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.FillEllipse method (1 of 2) Fills the interior of an ellipse defined by a boun......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Graphics.FillEllipse method...System.Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing FillClosedCurve FillPath...
op_Addition SizeF Addition operator Adds the width and height of one SizeF structure to the width and height of anoth......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ToString op_Division...
GetPixelFormatSize Image.GetPixelFormatSize method Returns the color depth, in number of bits per pixel, of the speci......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing FromHbitmap IsAlphaPixelFormat...