FrameDimension Contents [ Hide ] FrameDimension class Provides properties that get the frame dimensions of an image. ......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing EncoderValue ImageAttributes...
ColorConverter ColorConverter constructor The default constructor. public ColorConverter () See Also class ColorConve......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ConvertFrom...
PrinterResolution PrinterResolution constructor The default constructor. public PrinterResolution () See Also class P......Printing assembly Aspose.Drawing X...
PrintPageEventArgs PrintPageEventArgs constructor The default constructor. public PrintPageEventArgs () See Also clas......Printing assembly Aspose.Drawing Graphics...
BitmapData BitmapData constructor The default constructor. public BitmapData () See Also class BitmapData namespace S......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Height...
EncoderParameters EncoderParameters class Encapsulates an array of EncoderParameter objects. public sealed class Enco......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing EncoderParameter EncoderValue...
ExtractAssociatedIcon Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon method Returns an icon representation of an image that is contained ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Icon FromHandle...
DrawingSettings DrawingSettings class Allows to adjust the behavior of the drawing library in case of using of some f......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing CopyPixelOperation Font...
GetCellAscent FontFamily.GetCellAscent method Returns the cell ascent, in design units, of the FontFamily of the spec......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Equals GetCellDescent...
DefaultFont SystemFonts.DefaultFont property Gets the default font that applications can use for dialog boxes and for......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing CaptionFont DialogFont...