Plum Brushes.Plum property Gets a system-defined Brush object. public static Brush Plum { get ; } Return Value A Brus......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Pink PowderBlue...
Graphics.DrawImageAbort Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate Provides a callback method for deciding when the DrawImage m......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Graphics Graphics.EnumerateMetafilePro...
ClipBounds Graphics.ClipBounds property Gets a RectangleF structure that bounds the clipping region of this Graphics ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Clip CompositingMode...
GetHashCode RectangleF.GetHashCode method Returns a hash code for this instance. public override int GetHashCode () R......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Equals IntersectsWith...
GetHashCode Color.GetHashCode method Returns a hash code for this instance. public override int GetHashCode () Return......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GetBrightness GetHue...