Dispose Brush.Dispose method Releases all resources used by this Brush object. public void Dispose () Remarks This me......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Clone...
Dispose Pen.Dispose method Releases all resources used by this Pen. public void Dispose () Remarks This method actual......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Clone MultiplyTransform...
Width AdjustableArrowCap.Width property Gets or sets the width of the arrow cap. public float Width { get ; set ; } P......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing MiddleInset...
PenType Pen.PenType property Gets the style of lines drawn with this Pen. public PenType PenType { get ; } Property V......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing MiterLimit StartCap...
Key WmfPlaceableFileHeader.Key property Gets or sets a value indicating the presence of a placeable metafile header. ......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Inch Reserved...
Information SystemIcons.Information property Gets an Icon object that contains the system information icon (WIN32: ID......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Hand Question...
Warning SystemIcons.Warning property Gets an Icon object that contains the system warning icon (WIN32: IDI_WARNING). ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Shield WinLogo...
EndContainer Graphics.EndContainer method Closes the current graphics container and restores the state of this Graphi......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DrawString EnumerateMetafile...
Equals FontFamily.Equals method Indicates whether the specified object is a FontFamily and is identical to this FontF......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Dispose GetCellAscent...