ActiveCaptionText SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText property Gets a Color structure that is the color of the text in the......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ActiveCaption AppWorkspace...
PrinterName PrinterSettings.PrinterName property Gets or sets the name of the printer to use. public string PrinterNa......Printing assembly Aspose.Drawing PrinterSettings FromPage...
StrokeJoin CustomLineCap.StrokeJoin property Gets or sets the LineJoin enumeration that determines how lines that com......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing BaseInset WidthScale...
AddMetafileComment Graphics.AddMetafileComment method Adds a comment to the current Metafile. public void AddMetafile......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing VisibleClipBounds BeginContainer...
Cyan Brushes.Cyan property Gets a system-defined Brush object. public static Brush Cyan { get ; } Return Value A Brus......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Crimson DarkBlue...