BlueViolet Pens.BlueViolet property Gets the blue violet Pen. public static Pen BlueViolet { get ; } Property Value T......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Blue Brown...
DarkOrange Pens.DarkOrange property Gets the dark orange Pen. public static Pen DarkOrange { get ; } Property Value T......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DarkOliveGreen DarkOrchid...
SlateBlue Pens.SlateBlue property Gets the slate blue Pen. public static Pen SlateBlue { get ; } Property Value The s......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SkyBlue SlateGray...
DarkGreen Pens.DarkGreen property Gets the dark green Pen. public static Pen DarkGreen { get ; } Property Value The d......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DarkGray DarkKhaki...
DodgerBlue Pens.DodgerBlue property Gets the dodger blue Pen. public static Pen DodgerBlue { get ; } Property Value T......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DimGray Firebrick...
GhostWhite Pens.GhostWhite property Gets the ghost white Pen. public static Pen GhostWhite { get ; } Property Value T......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Gainsboro Gold...
DarkCyan Pens.DarkCyan property Gets the dark cyan Pen. public static Pen DarkCyan { get ; } Property Value The dark ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DarkBlue DarkGoldenrod...
LinearColors LinearGradientBrush.LinearColors property Gets or sets the starting and ending colors of the gradient. p......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing InterpolationColors Rectangle...
Elements Matrix.Elements property Gets an array of floating-point values that represents the elements of this Matrix.......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix IsIdentity...
EndCap Pen.EndCap property Gets or sets the cap style used at the end of lines drawn with this Pen. public LineCap En......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DashStyle LineJoin...