Clone Pen.Clone method Creates an exact copy of this Pen. public object Clone () Return Value An Object that can be c......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Width Dispose...
Transform Region.Transform method Transforms this Region by the specified Matrix. public void Transform ( Matrix matr......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing MakeInfinite Translate...
WarpMode WarpMode enumeration Specifies the type of warp transformation applied in a Warp method. public enum WarpMod......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing SmoothingMode WrapMode...
DpiY Graphics.DpiY property Gets the vertical resolution of this Graphics. public float DpiY { get ; } Return Value T......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DpiX InterpolationMode...
SetPropertyItem Bitmap.SetPropertyItem method Stores a property item (piece of metadata) in this Image. public overri......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SetPixel SetResolution...
Gray Color.Gray property Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF808080. public static Color Gray { ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Goldenrod Green...
FillMode FillMode enumeration Specifies how the interior of a closed path is filled. public enum FillMode Values Name......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing DashStyle FlushIntention...
Size RectangleF.Size property Gets or sets the size of this RectangleF. public SizeF Size { get ; set ; } Return Valu......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Right Top...
Transform TextureBrush.Transform property Gets or sets a copy of the Matrix object that defines a local geometric tra......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Image WrapMode...