NavajoWhite Color.NavajoWhite property Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFDEAD. public static......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Moccasin Navy...
SeaShell Color.SeaShell property Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFFFF5EE. public static Color......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SeaGreen Sienna...
RosyBrown Color.RosyBrown property Gets a system-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FFBC8F8F. public static Col......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Red RoyalBlue...
FilenameExtension ImageCodecInfo.FilenameExtension property Gets or sets string that contains the file name extension......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing CodecName FormatDescription...
SolidBrush SolidBrush constructor Initializes a new instance of the SolidBrush class. public SolidBrush ( Color color......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Color...
WidthScale CustomLineCap.WidthScale property Gets or sets the amount by which to scale this CustomLineCap Class objec......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing StrokeJoin Clone...