Variables Renderer.Variables property Access to the internal variables used for rendering public RendererVariableMana......Render assembly Aspose.3D ShaderSet ClearCache English...
CreateRenderer Renderer.CreateRenderer method Creates a new Renderer with default profile. public static Renderer Cre......Render assembly Aspose.3D AssetDirectories English Русский...
RenderTarget Viewport.RenderTarget property Gets the render target that created this viewport. public IRenderTarget R......Render assembly Aspose.3D Frustum ZOrder English Русский...
IIndexedVertexElement IIndexedVertexElement interface VertexElement with indices data. public interface IIndexedVerte......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Geometry IMeshConvertible...
AnimationClips Scene.AnimationClips property Gets all AnimationClip defined in the scene. public IList < AnimationCli......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D FromStream AssetInfo English...
ReceiveShadows Primitive.ReceiveShadows property Gets or sets whether this geometry can receive shadow. public bool R......Entities assembly Aspose.3D CastShadows ToMesh English...
Shadowmap RendererVariableManager.Shadowmap property The depth texture used for shadow mapping public ITextureUnit Sh......Render assembly Aspose.3D ShadowCaster ViewportSize...
ApertureMode Camera.ApertureMode property Gets or sets the camera’s aperture mode public ApertureMode ApertureMode { ......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Camera AspectRatio English...
Falloff Light.Falloff property Gets or sets the falloff cone angle (in degrees). public double Falloff { get ; set ; ......Entities assembly Aspose.3D ConstantAttenuation HotSpot...