Minimum BoundingBox2D.Minimum property The minimum corner of the bounding box public Vector2 Minimum { get ; } See Al......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Maximum Merge English Русский...
Sin Vector3.Sin method Calculates sine on each component public Vector3 Sin () Return Value Calculated Vector3 . See ......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Set ToString English Русский...
OcclusionFactor PbrMaterial.OcclusionFactor property Gets or sets the factor of ambient occlusion public double Occlu......Shading assembly Aspose.3D NormalTexture OcclusionTexture...
Curve ArbitraryProfile.Curve property The Curve used to construct the profile public Curve Curve { get ; set ; } See ......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D ArbitraryProfile English Русский...
BottomFlangeWidth HShape.BottomFlangeWidth property Gets or sets the extent of the width. public double BottomFlangeW......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D BottomFlangeThicknes OverallDepth...
EdgeRadius ZShape.EdgeRadius property Gets or sets the radius of flange edge. public double EdgeRadius { get ; set ; ......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D Depth FilletRadius English...
PositionBits DracoSaveOptions.PositionBits property Quantization bits for position, default value is 14 public int Po......Formats assembly Aspose.3D PointCloud TextureCoordinateBit...
GetEnumerator Material.GetEnumerator method Gets the enumerator to enumerate internal texture slots. public IEnumerat......Shading assembly Aspose.3D GetTexture English Русский...