GLTF FileFormat.GLTF field Khronos Group’s glTF public static readonly FileFormat GLTF ; See Also class FileFormat na......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D FBX7700Binary GLTF2 English...
SPIRVSource SPIRVSource constructor Constructor of SPIR-V based shader sources. public SPIRVSource () See Also class ......Render assembly Aspose.3D ComputeShader English Русский...
CopyTo VertexElementTemplate.CopyTo method public void CopyTo ( VertexElementTemplate target ) See Also class Vert......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Clear SetData English Русский...
VertexElementMaterial VertexElementMaterial constructor Initializes a new instance of the VertexElementMaterial class......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Clear English Русский 简体中文...
MapSpecularGlossiness PbrSpecularMaterial.MapSpecularGlossiness field The texture map for specular glossiness public ......Shading assembly Aspose.3D Transparency English Русский...
STLASCII FileFormat.STLASCII field ASCII STL file format public static readonly FileFormat STLASCII ; See Also class ......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D SiemensJT9 STLBinary English...
STLBinary FileFormat.STLBinary field Binary STL file format public static readonly FileFormat STLBinary ; See Also cl......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D STLASCII Universal3D English...