FlipCoordinateSystem PdfSaveOptions.FlipCoordinateSystem property Gets or sets to flip the coordinate system of the s......Formats assembly Aspose.3D FaceColor LightingScheme English...
FileName Texture.FileName property Gets or sets the associated texture file. public string FileName { get ; set ; } P......Shading assembly Aspose.3D EnableMipMap English Русский...
Type Extrapolation.Type property Gets and sets the sampling pattern of extrapolation public ExtrapolationType Type { ......Animation assembly Aspose.3D RepeatCount English Русский...
UVScale TextureBase.UVScale property Gets or sets the UV scale. public Vector2 UVScale { get ; set ; } Property Value......Shading assembly Aspose.3D UVRotation UVTranslation English...
FarPlane Html5SaveOptions.FarPlane property Gets or sets the far plane of the camera, default value is 1000. public d......Formats assembly Aspose.3D CameraPosition FieldOfView...
CylinderRadialSegments RvmLoadOptions.CylinderRadialSegments property Gets or sets the number of cylinder’s radial se......Formats assembly Aspose.3D CenterScene DishLatitudeSegments...
DishLongitudeSegments RvmLoadOptions.DishLongitudeSegments property Gets or sets the number of dish’ longitude segmen......Formats assembly Aspose.3D DishLatitudeSegments GenerateMaterials...
FlipCoordinateSystem U3dLoadOptions.FlipCoordinateSystem property Gets or sets whether flip coordinate system of cont......Formats assembly Aspose.3D U3dLoadOptions English Русский...
FlipCoordinateSystem Discreet3dsSaveOptions.FlipCoordinateSystem property Gets or sets flip coordinate system of cont......Formats assembly Aspose.3D ExportLight GammaCorrectedColor...
RenderParameters RenderParameters constructor Initialize an instance of PixelFormat public RenderParameters ( bool do......Render assembly Aspose.3D ColorBits English Русский...