Frustum Viewport.Frustum property Gets or sets the camera of this Viewport public Frustum Frustum { get ; set ; } See......Render assembly Aspose.3D Enabled RenderTarget English...
Determinant Matrix4.Determinant property Gets the determinant of the matrix. public double Determinant { get ; } Prop......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Translate m00 English Русский...
NormalTexture PbrSpecularMaterial.NormalTexture property Gets or sets the texture of normal mapping public TextureBas......Shading assembly Aspose.3D GlossinessFactor Specular...
MappingMode VertexElement.MappingMode property Gets or sets how the element is mapped. public MappingMode MappingMode......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Indices Name English Русский...
ReferenceMode VertexElement.ReferenceMode property Gets or sets how the element is referenced. public ReferenceMode R......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Name VertexElementType English...
ExportLight Discreet3dsSaveOptions.ExportLight property Gets or sets whether export all lights in the scene. public b......Formats assembly Aspose.3D ExportCamera FlipCoordinateSystem...
SpecularTexture PbrMaterial.SpecularTexture property Gets or sets the texture for specular color public TextureBase S......Shading assembly Aspose.3D RoughnessFactor Transparency...
Minification ITextureUnit.Minification property Gets or sets the filter mode for minification. public TextureFilter M......Render assembly Aspose.3D Magnification Mipmap English...
ToString Quaternion.ToString method Gets the representation of quaternion in string public override string ToString (......Utilities assembly Aspose.3D ToMatrix op_Addition English...
EdgeRadius UShape.EdgeRadius property Gets or sets the radius of edge in flange’s edge. public double EdgeRadius { ge......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D Depth FilletRadius English...