EmissiveColor PbrMaterial.EmissiveColor property Gets or sets the emissive color public Vector3 EmissiveColor { get ;......Shading assembly Aspose.3D AlbedoTexture EmissiveTexture...
WallThickness CShape.WallThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of the wall. public double WallThickness { get......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D InternalFilletRadius Width...
Dispose EntityRenderer.Dispose method The entity renderer is being disposed, release shared resources. public virtual......Render assembly Aspose.3D EntityRenderer FrameBegin...
TimeIndependentTangent KeyFrame.TimeIndependentTangent property Gets or sets the tangent is time-independent public b......Animation assembly Aspose.3D Time Value English Русский...
FlangeThickness TShape.FlangeThickness property Gets or sets the wall thickness of flange. public double FlangeThickn......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D FlangeEdgeRadius FlangeWidth...
WebThickness TShape.WebThickness property Gets or sets the wall thickness of web. public double WebThickness { get ; ......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D WebEdgeRadius GetExtent English...
Width LShape.Width property Gets or sets the width of the profile. public double Width { get ; set ; } See Also class......Profiles assembly Aspose.3D Thickness GetExtent English...
ZOrder Viewport.ZOrder property Gets or sets the Z-order of the viewport. public int ZOrder { get ; set ; } See Also ......Render assembly Aspose.3D RenderTarget English Русский...