Codul sursă Java pentru a lucra cu marcaje în fișiere PDF folosind Aspose.PDF pentru Java #/artifacts/browse/tree/general/repo/...
PageSetup.line_number_distance_from_text property. Gets or sets distance between the right edge of line numbers and the left edge of the document.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PageSetup.line_numbers...
PageSetup.rtl_gutter property. Gets or sets whether Microsoft Word uses gutters for the section based on a right-to-left language or a left-to-right language.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PageSetup.gutter.docx"...
PageSetup.clear_formatting method. Resets page setup to default paper size, margins and orientation.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PageSetup.clear_formatting...
ParagraphFormat.suppress_line_numbers property. Specifies whether the current paragraph's lines should be exempted from line numbering which is applied in the parent section.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PageSetup.line_numbers...